Inheritance Tax Planning Advisors

Trusted Inheritance Tax Planning Advisors

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Inheritance tax is a common concern for individuals and families who want to ensure their loved ones are cared for after passing away. It is a tax on the value of an individual's estate, including property, money, and possessions, above a certain threshold. 

In the UK, inheritance tax is currently set at 40%, which can significantly reduce the value of an estate. Planning for inheritance tax is essential to minimise liabilities and ensure a smooth transfer of assets to future generations.

At M.A.R. Accountants, we understand the importance of inheritance tax planning. We aim to help our clients easily navigate this complex area. We have years of experience in providing tailored solutions for inheritance tax planning. Therefore, you can rely on us when it comes to tax planning. 

Inheritance Tax123

The Importance of Professional Advice in Tax Matters

Inheritance tax laws and regulations can be complicated and constantly changing. This makes it challenging for individuals to plan effectively on their own. Seeking expert professional advice is crucial in avoiding costly mistakes and maximising the efficiency of tax planning strategies.

Our team stays up-to-date with legislation changes. We also deeply understand the intricacies of inheritance tax, ensuring our clients receive accurate and reliable advice.

Our Approach to Planning Taxes

At M.A.R. Accountants, we take a personalised approach to inheritance tax planning. We understand that every client has unique circumstances and financial goals. That’s why we tailor our services accordingly. Our team works closely with each client to develop a customised plan that addresses their needs and maximises tax efficiency.

Our tax law and regulation expertise allows us to create comprehensive strategies that help clients preserve their wealth and mitigate inheritance tax liabilities.

Track Record of Success

Our proven track record speaks for itself. Through strategic tax planning, we have helped numerous clients mitigate tax liabilities, preserve wealth, and achieve their long-term financial objectives.

When you choose M.A.R Accountants Ltd, you choose a partner dedicated to your financial success. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you with your inheritance tax planning needs.

Customised Solutions for Every Client

One size does not fit all when it comes to inheritance tax planning. That's why we take the time to understand each client's financial situation and goals before developing a personalised plan.

We have successfully implemented strategies for various clients, from high-net-worth individuals to small business owners. Our customised solutions have helped our clients minimise their inheritance tax liabilities while preserving their assets for their loved ones.

Benefits of Planning Your Tax

Proactive inheritance tax planning can have numerous benefits for individuals and their families. By working with our team at M.A.R Accountants, clients can expect to:

  • Preserve their wealth and assets for future generations
  • Minimise tax liabilities on their estate
  • Ensure a smooth transition of assets to beneficiaries
  • Protect against potential challenges or disputes over inheritance tax.

Common Inheritance Tax Mistakes to Avoid

Planning inheritance tax can be a complex and challenging process. There are also many potential pitfalls that individuals may encounter. To help you, we have identified some of the most common mistakes individuals make when dealing with inheritance tax. 

Here’s what you need to know- 

  • Failing to plan: Many people postpone thinking about inheritance tax until it's too late, resulting in missed opportunities for tax planning.
  • Not utilising tax exemptions and reliefs: Various exemptions and reliefs are available in inheritance tax, but many individuals are unaware of them or how to apply them effectively.
  • Lack of understanding of complex tax laws: Inheritance tax laws can be complicated, and failing to understand them can lead to costly mistakes.
  • Not reviewing plans regularly: Tax laws and personal circumstances can change over time. Thus, it is crucial to review inheritance tax plans regularly and make necessary adjustments.

Why Choose M.A.R Accountants Ltd?

Choosing the right partner for your inheritance tax planning needs is crucial, and M.A.R Accountants Ltd stands out as a trusted and reliable choice for individuals and families alike. 

Here are a few reasons why you should choose us:


With a combined 15 years of experience, we possess the knowledge and insight to navigate the complexities of inheritance tax planning with confidence and precision.


We have served corporate and private clientele in the UK, building strong relationships and delivering exceptional results.

Personalised Service

At M.A.R. Accountants, we understand that each client is unique. We take the time to understand your needs and goals, crafting customised solutions aligning with your objectives.
